Repair of the municipal road network, national road network in regulation of Chirpan and settlements within Chirpan Municipality.“

In the municipal road network planned is the manual patching of 114 m2 of single holes, machine patching of 5780 m2, with a thickness of 4 to 6 cm and 5360 m2 with a thickness of 5 cm. Total cost – 276 292.49 BGN including VAT.

Sites included in the project:

  • road SZR -2221 Yazdach region –  village of Yazdach from km 0 to 2+400
  • road SZR -2224 Volovarovo-Gita–Darzhava from km 0 to 3+000
  • road SZR -1222 Malko Tarnovo-village of Svoboda from km 0  to 11+100
  • road SZR -3233 Izvorovo- village of Stoyan Zaimovo – village of Mogilovo from km 0 to km 11+700
  • road SZR -1223 – Volovarovo- village of Gita–village of Oslarka- Dimitrievo from km 0 to 18+000
  • road SZR -1226  village of Vinarovo- village of Mogilovo from km 4+500 to 12+200
  • road SZR -1227 region of the village of Rupkite– village of Rupkite– village of Spasovo from km 0 to km 7+500

The repair of the road network in Chirpan consists of manually patching of 700 m2 with a thickness of 4 to 6 cm, machine patching of 6700 m2 with a thickness of 4 cm and 3998 m2 with thickness of 5 cm.