Maintenance (preventive, current, winter and repair-restoration works in emergencies) of the national roads within the South Central Region, managed by Road Infrastructure Agency (RIA)
Patishta Plovdiv AD implements the project in the territory of the national roads I-st, II-nd and III-rd class within the territory of RRM – Plovdiv.
Preventative maintenance of roads includes the following activities:
- closing of surface cracks on the surface of the pavement;
- laying a new wearing layer (overlays);
- stabilization of shoulders (according to mechanical or chemical process);
- conducting periodic remedial activities on the construction of the road equipment, facilities, etc.;
Current maintenance – includes activities such as:
- cleaning of small landslides, rock falls and sediments;
- mowing, leveling, profiling and shaping of shoulders;
- cleaning and removal of small individual damage on the roadway;
- removing individual deformities – waves, tracks and other irregularities;
- repair and gap filling of road facilities
- reconstruction of the horizontal markings;
- placement of new or replacement of individual damaged road signs and other;
Winter maintenance – Includes the following types of activities:
- preparatory work: preparation of operational plans for winter maintenance, technical reviews of the machinery and equipment requested for use, etc.;
- snow protection of roads;
- snow cleaning (patrol and periodic) of the roads until achieving the relevant rate and level of winter maintenance;
- securing roads against slipping.
Repair and rehabilitation works in emergencies – performed are emergency restoration works aimed at immediately restoring the minimum level of service after the occurrence of emergency situations (landslides, collapses, diggings, destruction of bridge structures, avalanches, etc.).